๐ฅThe GOD Of INFINITE POSSIBILITIES! It's Time for Your Giants To Bow. ๐ฅ
Mar 27, 2023

๐ It's a new month...and a New Year.....IT'S DESTINY TIME! ๐
As of the past week we stepped into a new spiritual year on God's calendar! It is the beginning of months...the month of Nissan! ๐๐๐ฅ
โ This is the month of the "#Passover"...
Where the ultimate sacrifice was made for our sins and transgressions, and Jesus became our Passover Lamb! #TheLambThatWasSlain #Jesus ๐๐ป
โ This is the month where God provides a "Goshen" when all hell is breaking out around us (expect that God will provide for you no matter what happens in the world)! #TrustYeshua
โ This is the month where miracles are seen...parting the sea, wall of fire around us, God's provision and protection. You will need to trust that this month! ๐ก #ForeverFaithful
โ This is the month where you begin to know Your God like never before...as El Shaddai, the Almighty God, the God that is MORE THAN ENOUGH! #MoreThanEnough #ElShaddai
โ This is the month we remember and celebrate the reason for all of these amazing miracles, and the reason we trust Him... BECAUSE He made a covenant with us! #GodOfPromises #CovenantKeeper
He made a covenant, and He will keep that which is committed to Him! He made a covenant, not just with the blood of any lamb...but with the blood of the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world! ๐๐ฉธ Not only was He slain, but He arose...victorious over death, hell, and the grave!
And because He made a covenant that we have received...because He Himself paid the price for that covenant, we have access to all of the benefits, all of the protection, all of the provisions that come with that covenant with the Almighty God!! ๐๐ฅ #NewCovenant #OvercomingGrace #FirstFruits
You have a role to play in what is happening, and even more so in what is coming. The enemy wants to make you feel like “you’re not enough”, “God must have called the wrong person”, and any other number of lies and discouraging thoughts. This is all to get you to abort the mission, abort the destiny.
You don’t think Esther battled with these thoughts? Who am I to do this? I’m just a simple orphan girl. Maybe God called the wrong person? But He had not. This was her destiny, not by her own might, but by the Spirit of God that was upon her!
I’m telling you now, there are many waiting on you to step fully into what He has called you to do. You were not born 100 years ago, you were not born 1,000 years ago, you were born NOW ~ FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS ~ TO BE HIS AMBASSADOR IN HIS KINGDOM! You may not step fully in tomorrow, or even next month...but you will! Maybe you have some more training, a few more assignments you need to complete, but you will get there, and it is probably coming sooner than you think. Keep pressing, and ask the Spirit to help you to stay steadfast in what He has for you to do!
"Create in me a clean heart Oh God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me!
- Psalm 51:10
As you lean further into His Spirit for empowerment, for strength when you have none, and for the grace to stand when you feel like you can’t, you will make it through, and begin to step further into that which He has called you to. NOW IS YOUR TIME, and the enemy wouldn’t be fighting you so hard, he wouldn’t be sending so many of those lies and fiery darts to your mind, if he were not afraid of what you would become!
You will come through this, and there will be a turnaround, where the enemy is hung in his own gallows that he had set up for you, and that Jezebel spirit is thrown down by her own eunuchs. The time is NOW…FOR YOUR GIANTS TO BOW and yes, they are fighting harder than ever before, because your destiny is greater than you have imagined!
I sense that the wind of the Spirit of God is giving many a new burst of renewed power and strength even now…even this week! I see Him filling your sails once again, and movement is coming to your ship/vessel! I see the Lord also sending reinforcements to His weary ones. Some are ministering spirits (angels) sent from heaven to minister and strengthen, and others will be fellow comrades who will lift up your arms, encourage you, and help you in this hour!
One of the main ways the enemy can abort a destiny is simply to intimidate you, to get you into fear, discouragement, or hopelessness in order to get you to give up.He has been in an all out war against your destiny, and he is throwing every punch he can…physically, mentally, relationally, spiritually.
The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 2:4, For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds. These strongholds should be taken captive.
Well I have a question,
We can wash our hands... but how do we wash our minds?
โจ ANSWER โจ
By washing it with His Word ๐
Let's get in His Word and He will wash our fears away. Amen?
"For as a man thinks in his heart..so is he." Proverbs 23:7
We can ALWAYS look up to Him
because He is ALWAYS looking out for us.
As New Covenant Believers In Christ we are coming close to The MOST Important Time of the YEAR. Well, it's my Favourite TIME of the YEAR: THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS CHRIST! THE REASON We Celebrate. The Reason We ARE and the Reason we can Live Each Day FULL of HOPE -- Because Our SAVIOUR LIVES!
Let's Pray,
Lord, lead us through in this month! Lead us out of, and into all You have for us...and into fully becoming the Covenant people that You have paid for us to be!
Then Lord...we can come to Pentecost, and be filled with Your Spirit in a new and fresh way! ๐ ๐ฅ #FreshOutporing #RevivalHereNow
Thank you, Lord, for supernatural strength for your remnant to overcome…an overcoming anointing to drop on Your people even now!
Praying with you as we enter in and through,
- Coach Dr.JJJโจ
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