🎉 Bonjour 2023!!! + Prophetic Significance Of The Year 5783 🤩
Jan 07, 2023
➡️ 2022 was amazing!!!
But may not be the same for all… tried to dim hope, stunt growth, fade faith, and steal joy. But God!!!
What the enemy meant for evil, God is GOING to use for your good and His glory!!! That's a FACT!!!
💥 Stand
💥 Shake off 2022
💥 Move forward
There is often a tension in the life of Faith that we live in – the mystery of the unknown and the great excitement of what is to come. This past year, great inspiration and great struggle met us at our doorstep as we navigated challenging circumstances while simultaneously welcoming a season of decade-long dreams fulfilled.
2023 is here and no doubt, You have big plans, goals, or dreams for the coming year.
So do I.
Let's remember, though, that it's okay to start small.
The King of the world, Jesus Christ, came to us as a tiny, fragile newborn.
In the same way, your mighty plans may be small and simple at first.
You may start with one seed, one kind gesture, one customer, one client, one attendee, or one person in your audience. But as long as God is glorified your small beginnings are worth it.
Your small and humble ventures are praiseworthy, don't doubt that.
So embrace your precious little offering to God with joy and expectation, knowing that He is smiling over you.
We are in the Hebrew Year of 5783.
There is the civil calendar that we live in, and then there is the Hebrew calendar that we celebrate—but God's calendar is the Hebrew calendar. I'll share with you the prophetic significance of this year we're in.
In Jeremiah 33:3. It says, “Call to me and I will answer you. And I will tell you great and mighty things which you do not know.” Now the Jemi's amplified version would insert a word and say, “Call to me and I [God] will answer you. And I will show you great and mighty things, which you do not YET know” (because you're going to know). Amen!
I received 3 instructions from God, for the Global Church to focus on for the Year 5783/2023.
➡️ It is going to be an amazing year of harvest!! But this harvest is personal. This harvest is based on what you’ve sowed!! You are going to know Him deeper this year!! No matter how long you have been walking with God, your revelation of Him will be deepened!!
This year, we are going to:
🙌 Know JESUS Deeper
🙌 Do EXTRAOrdinary Exploits
1. God Wants to Speak to You! Why? So that you can get to know Him Deeper
He really, really, really does. One of the words I am carrying right now is concerning the jealousy of God. God wants to meet with you.
I am using this verse—call upon me and I will show you great and mighty things, which you do not yet know—but you’re going to, if you will carve out the time, if you will press in.
And some would say, Oh, but Jemi, that’s just a religious spirit. But I’m just going to flat out say, No, it’s not. It’s the Bible. It’s God’s way.
How much are you reaching up to God? God is already reaching down to you and then you are invited to take hold of the God who is already reaching down to you. But it does take this partnership, does it not? Yes, it does.
Dear one, You cannot live on yesterday's bread. “Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” Jesus quotes this on the Sermon on the Mount and he quotes it from the book of Deuteronomy. And man doesn’t live on yesterday’s bread. Man doesn’t live on yesterday’s manna, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. He is waiting on you to come to Him because He wants to meet with you. He really does.
2.Be Strong, in a good way for It is a Year of Surprises
Those who know God, will be strong. For what? For the Surprises- God surprises. Supernatural surprises are coming your way in ways and in package that you cannot dictate or control. God’s has some surprises in store just for you. He really does!
3. Year of EXTRAOrdinary Exploits- It’s A Year of Fruitfulness
In this season that's just before the Hebrew New Year & The Civil New Year I go on a fast and during this time I tend to lean into what the Holy Spirit is highlighting to me in scripture, God encounters, and particularly the dreams the Lord gives to me during this season.
I had a particular dream on the first day of the new year, Rosh Hashana.
When I teach on dream interpretation, the first question you ask is where are you in the dream? Are you the central figure? Are you in the dream and observing? Are you not in the dream and you're simply watching? etc.
In this particular dream I was the central figure, and without going into much detail since I'm not released to share it completely, I saw Extraordinary Exploits being done and Fruitfulness.
On a personal level, I’ve been in a season where I haven’t felt satisfied with my investments towards the Kingdom, like I was being the most fruitful, even though I’ve been doing Coaching programs, Mentoring so many across the World, having online classes, even though I’ve released one book called, You know you are Called what's next and I'm writing one at the moment about Seasons in Life and Relationships.
Yes, I’ve been touching people and many being healed, delivered and so on, (ALL GLORY TO GOD) but I haven't been able to travel, and touch people in that personal manner that I enjoy serving at etc.
So, in this dream, the Holy Spirit came to personally encourage me. “You're being fruitful right now, and you will see EXTRAOrdinary Exploits done this year.”
But I also want to interpret this in a different way. And I want to say to each one of you…
God wants to meet with you.
God has some surprises for you.
We are moving into a season of accelerated growth and fruitfulness…
…And the arm of the Lord will not be too short in your life! Amen.
In this year of 5783, we are moving into a time of accelerated growth and fruitfulness, and it will be appealing. There will be supernatural confirmations and supernatural signs.
Well, it’s time for us to bear supernatural good fruit. And He is going to help us do that. Because we are to call upon Him and He will show us great and mighty things, which you do not yet know—but you're going to know. And He is jealous for you.
And He really wants to draw near to you. There are surprises coming and we are moving into a time of accelerated growth.
So, get ready. God is calling us ALL to Him. And if heeded; we will walk this year on a level of EXTRAOrdinary Exploits with God. Daniel 11:32 It will feel like nothing we have ever felt before, like HEAVEN on Earth!! Glory be to God!! Read that again yes, Heaven on Earth, Amen!!!
My spirit is leaping with excitement!!!
Are you ready? Let's go!! 🙌🔥
I hear God say, “My child, It takes courage to follow me, to leave behind all that hinders our relationship, to follow me and find that I am enough. Come, follow me, and you will be made into my likeness.
You are an heir of the kingdom. All my promises to you will come to pass. Glory, ever-increasing glory, will surround you, as you walk in kingdom reality. To follow me is not merely leaving everything; it is gaining everything. Set your gaze on me. Come into my sacred chamber, where every sacrifice becomes sweeter than honey and every loss invites more of me. Move forward without fear, and I will be your great reward! It is more than a choice; it is courage that must fill your heart as you look upon the horizon with faith. Never fear what is to come, for I am the One who was, who is, and who is to come! Get ready! Anticipate with Courage knowing that I go before you. You were NEVER FORGOTTEN! Your joy shall be complete!”.
Let's Pray:
Father, in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus, we want more of your amazing presence in our lives, our families, and our cities in this Year of 5783/2023. We welcome manifestations and the phenomenon of the Holy Spirit’s power. We welcome the gifts, and we welcome the fire, and we welcome the wind, and we welcome the fruit of the Holy Spirit. We desire the wisdom and the truth that come from the combined revelation of your Word and your Spirit. Help us to learn from the past outpourings of revivals, while at the same time not build monuments to them. We want to bear good fruit, spiritual fruit, and we want to bring glory to Your Name. May we be carriers of your end revival now for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen and amen.
I encourage you to find gratitude in your heart as you reflect on the past year! Write yourself a list so you can build your faith as you see all He has done for you and turn to when you feel discouragement or disappointment try to creep in. 2023 is going to be an incredible year!
P.S. Please feel free to share with me how this encouraged you HERE and also do reach out if you need help, do not hesitate. You're NOT alone. Just click the button below to book a session with me!
I’m praying for you. 🙏🏼
Happy New Year my dear ones! 🫂
- Coach Dr.Jemi✨
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